Can I use the Window Sensor W1 as a mini Occupancy Sensor to turn off the air conditioner when customers leave?

Questions & Answers – FAQCategory: Questions about Windows SensorsCan I use the Window Sensor W1 as a mini Occupancy Sensor to turn off the air conditioner when customers leave?
admin Staff asked 2 years ago
I have a b&b and often my clients go out leaving the air conditioner on, making me waste a lot of electricity.. If I put the Window Sensor W1 sensor on the door, can I make it so that when they leave the air conditioner turns off and stays off, or do I have to buy the Occupancy Sensor to be able to do this? In fact, I don't quite understand the difference between the 2, Window Sensor and Occupancy Sensor systems. Thank you
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 12 months ago

Window Sensor and Occupancy Sensor perform 2 different functions:

– Window Sensor W1 turns off the air conditioner when a guest opens a window (or a French window, to access a balcony, for example..) thus preventing them from leaving the air conditioner on with the window open.
As soon as the window (or French window) is closed, power will be supplied to the air conditioner again which will then be able to function normally again.

– Occupancy Sensor turns off the air conditioner when the room is empty, after a pre-established time has passed, which can range from 5 minutes up to 60 minutes (to make sure that the guest has not left just for a moment and then returned to the room.. )

The use you want to make of Window Sensor W1 (that is, to turn off the air conditioner when your guests leave the room) is a bit "creative" and is not what the product was designed for since, when the door is closed, Window Sensor W1 will supply electricity to the air conditioner again. At this point it could start again if its electronics are equipped with the "auto start" function.

Please note that Window Sensor W1 function is not to turn off the air conditioner when guests leave the room, but - as already mentioned - to turn off when a window (or French window) is opened, to prevent him from using the air conditioner with the windows open.

Read more about our air conditioning window sensors and motion sensor for air conditioner to fully understand the products.