Door monitoring. How to turn off air conditioner when a guest leave the room?

Questions & Answers – FAQCategory: Questions about Occupancy SensorsDoor monitoring. How to turn off air conditioner when a guest leave the room?
admin Staff asked 12 months ago
I want to be sure to turn off air conditioner when a guest leave the room, but I don't want to risk turning it off when it's in the room.
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 12 months ago

The ideal solution for your case is to use our Occupancy Sensor P1 model, whose native setting "Apartment Mode" was designed to solve this type of problem.

In this mode, the Occupancy Sensor P1 will remain «dormant» waiting to receive information from the sensor mounted on the apartment entrance door. When someone opens and closes the door to enter the apartment, Occupancy Sensor P1 is activated and monitors the room in which it is installed for the established observation time. During this time, if Occupancy Sensor P1 detects movement within its control range, it leaves the air conditioner on and no longer intervenes to turn it off. This remains until there is a new change of condition on the sensor mounted at the door; in fact, when someone leaves the apartment and closes the door again, if Occupancy Sensor P1 detects no more movement for the set observation time, it deduces that the apartment is empty and turns the air conditioner off as soon as the observation time expires.

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