I have 2 AC splits. Do I need 2 remote controls?

Questions & Answers – FAQCategory: Questions about Remote ControlsI have 2 AC splits. Do I need 2 remote controls?
admin Staff asked 5 years ago
I have 2 splits, one in the bedroom and one in the kitchen. Do I need 2 remote controls, or will one be enough?
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 11 months ago

If it has 2 AC internal units, it will generally need 2 remote controls.

However, if you currently manage both AC splits with a single remote control, you can do the same with ours.

Clearly the air conditioner models must be identical, otherwise the association codes could be different, and therefore not work simultaneously on both splits.

To conclude, you can certainly use our universal air conditioner remote control with your air conditioners